How can I improve my conversion rate?

In this article we'll explain what your conversion rate is, and tips for improving it

What does conversion rate mean?

We measure your conversion rate as the percentage of customer product page views that resulted in orders out of the total number of product page views.

SEO Optimisation

Optimising your product names and descriptions helps search engines better understand what your products are. This in turn, allows your products to be visible to potential customers when they use search engines to look for the types of products that you may sell.

Visit out extensive guide on SEO optimisation.

Product Imagery

1. Always include a lifestyle image as the second image on a product listing 

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 16.43.25


2. Use ghost imagery if possible, as it performs better than flat lays 

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3. Make use of the UGC feature

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4. Make sure to use high-quality images (for jewellery with small details - don’t use a strong drop-shadow that makes it harder to see the product details and shape).

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 16.58.06

5. Include 4-5 product images showing as much detail as necessary, for example the inside of bags, the reverse of clothing, etc

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 18.53.20

6. Ensure that all product images are the same size and scale 

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Product Details

7. Complete each section (style notes, care & info, sizing) in detail

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8. Write descriptive style notes, see our advice here

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Additional Tips

Keep healthy stock levels 

Our marketing team recommends you have at least 3 units per size variant of each product in stock, to help maximise the chances of marketing features and conversion.


Select a colour

All clothing, accessory & jewellery products are required to select a colour in the product upload form or they could be automatically excluded from Google Ads. 


Avoid deactivating and re-uploading the same products.

Doing this removes any learnings that we, Facebook and Google have gained about your products, and makes it more difficult for us to target the products to customers. Even if products have only been viewed or added to bag, this still provides us with valuable insight into who best to target the products to next, in order to drive sales.


Fragmented Stock
Ensure there is good availability of sizes across the size variants of a product. If a customer lands on a product and it's not available in their size, they won't buy it. Ensuring a product is available in all of its sizes will maximise the probability that it's available in the size the customer needs, and improve the likelihood a customer converts. 


Avoid using vague sizing 

Our data shows that products that utilize sizing options such as ‘one size’, S/M, M/L have lower conversion than products with specific sizing such as UK 8, E 38, S, M, L, XL.