How do I import Shopify products onto Wolf & Badger?

Once you've connected your Shopify account to Wolf & Badger, go to the Integrations tab and choose import for the product you'd like to import. You can either import each product individually or you can choose to bulk import products. The videos below demonstrate each method.

Import Individually


Bulk Import


Once the product is imported, go to the new products section and click the ‘Draft’ tab. Shopify products will have a Shopify symbol next to the Product in the table. Imported Shopify products which are incomplete and Missing information will have a ‘Missing Information’ status next to them in the table. You can also filter by ‘Missing Information’ to quickly navigate to imported and incomplete Shopify products. 
1. Fill out all of the information to complete the product by clicking the Product Name or by selecting the tick-box and then choosing the ‘Edit Product’ button. 

2. When complete, click the ‘Save and Submit’ button within the form. Successfully submitted products will be listed in the Draft tab with a "Pending Approval" status until they are reviewed. Products are reviewed to ensure they meet our criteria, found in our style guide. Once approved, products will move to the ‘Active’ tab and will be purchasable by customers on the website.