How do I cancel or pause my Wolf & Badger membership?

To begin the cancellation process, make a request to pause your account or extend your existing pause, we ask that you fill out this short form so that we can hear a bit more about your experience.

When you cancel your account, your account will be permanently deleted (as well as your product and profile information).

When you pause your account, you will be able to take a temporary break from Wolf & Badger (your products will not be visible when you're paused), but your product and profile information is saved so that you can come back and sell with Wolf & Badger at a later date. Please let us know when you would like your account to reactivate when filling out the pause form. You may pause your account for up to 6 months. 

After you fill out the form, a member of our team will be in touch to finalize everything within a week. Please note that you must request to make these changes 30 days prior to your next payment date, per our terms. We do not offer immediate pauses, if you are unable to fill orders for a short period of time you would need to use Holiday Mode.

Kindly note that emails may be missed if the user is deactivated or out of office, for this reason, we only accept this form for any changes to the deactivation or pause of your W&B account.

Once the form is filled you will get a confirmation email, please always keep this as proof of submitting the form.