Marketing 101: Introduction to SEO Webinar

This webinar covers the basics of what SEO is, and offers a background into how search engines and ranking work. It highlights the importance of keyword research, ranking factors and tips for your W&B profile and content on the site.


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This webinar covers the following: 


What Is SEO (Skip to 4:50)
How Search Engines Work: Crawling & Indexing (Skip to 8:00)
Ranking (Skip to 14:32)
Keyword Research (Skip to 17:00)
Ranking Factors (Skip to 24:20)
Creating High Quality Content (Skip to 28:00)

Your Content on Wolf & Badger (Skip to 37:20)
Off-Site SEO & Authority (Skip to 42:00)
Questions! (49:00)


Is image alt text essential? Or can I slowly get around to doing it?

Image Alt Text is no longer important for SEO, but bear in mind accessibility. From an SEO perspective it is not. It used to be how Google read images, which is no longer how they do so. If you want to talk to a visual impaired clientele and be inclusive or if you market to a geography where this is required by law, then it's recommended to use it to briefly describe the image.


Is it worth adding copy to images? 

The context of the image and the image itself is more important these days. However do consider visual impaired customers.


Our brand has been featured in many publications, one of those being Vogue Magazine. Can you explain further how can we take advantage of this?

You can take advantage in two ways. Ensure that when you're featured your brand is mentioned so it's not just grouped in an edit like '5 best maxi dresses to buy this season' with the product name. Make sure your brand name is mentioned as that will give you some of the kudos that Vogue has, even if they don't link through to you. Ideally you can ask them to link to your website. If it's an editorial feature they may include affiliate links. As them if under your brand name they can put a link to your homepage. That won't lose them any revenue but will explain your brand to their users. The other way is that if you've been featured somewhere, it's much easier to be featured somewhere else. If you're doing influencer outreach, link these articles/features so that people trust your brand more because it's a sign of confidence and authority.


What gives something “authority” in terms of ranking factors? How does my blog on “layering jewellery” offer authority (for example!)

Authority comes from elsewhere, that's the number one thing. It comes from other people talking about you in relation to a certain topic. So, if you have a post on layering jewellery, the most important thing is you have other people referencing you in relation to jewellery. And then within that post, two things you can do is 1) have a named author (not AI), so that person's authority becomes your authority, 2) to have the markers of completeness. Showing you've engaged with the topic and answer the question.


How do you submit “keywords” in the meta title tags on Wolf & Badger? (And is it the same as the normal “tags” section on Shopify?) 

You don't. The meta keyword tag was deprecated by Google a decade ago, it no longer does anything apart from tell your competition what you're trying to target. The title tag for W&B is the product name, as the most important key word of your listing. Most likely people will look for that. Ensure your product names are descriptive. If they aren't describe the product ie 'Emma Blue Cotton Shirt'. The keyword tags are usually legacy features that sites haven't scrubbed yet.



Google Search Console

Google Business Profile Log-in

Google Quality Raters Guidelines

Google’s “How Search Works” 

Google Search Central

Search Essential for Developers (part of Search Central)

Google’s official Blog 



MOZ Beginners’ Guide to SEO 

Search Engine Land Guide: What is SEO?

Search Engine Land Article: What is Quality Content?

SEMRush Guide to Local SEO

Hubspot’s Comprehensive Guide to Local SEO in 2023