How do I attain the Carbon Reduction guarantee?

Definition: This brand is reducing its carbon footprint either through verified offsetting or operational reduction strategies.

What qualifies for this guarantee?

This guarantee is awarded to those who have taken steps to reduce, balance, and offset the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, with the goal being to achieve net zero emissions. Net zero refers to when all greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere are equivalent to the greenhouse gases being removed from the atmosphere on a global scale. You achieve net zero when the amount you add is no more than the amount taken away.

What supporting evidence do I need? 

You need to provide evidence of how you are reducing carbon in your business operations to achieve this guarantee. You’ll be asked to provide the following information:

  1. Detail your carbon reduction strategy, any GHG emissions calculated for your brand, verified carbon offsetting programmes you use and internal policies you and your suppliers / manufacturers have in place to reduce emissions
  2. Upload relevant documents and certifications (e.g. carbon offset certificates, renewable energy documents, policies)

How can I achieve this guarantee?

There are two pathways to achieve this guarantee but we encourage you to work on all the factors addressed and implement a holistic carbon reduction strategy. 



  • Breakdown of how your carbon emissions were calculated (note that we accept scope 1 offsetting for approval for this guarantee but highly encourage scope 2 & 3 emissions to be factored into calculations) 
  • Breakdown of how your carbon emissions were calculated (note that we accept scope 1 offsetting for approval for this guarantee but highly encourage scope 2 & 3 emissions to be factored into calculations) 
  • A trusted, verified carbon neutral certification (Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard approved)
  • Switching to renewable energy providers
  • Recepit/ certificate of donation to an offset programme 
  • Favouring local production and material sourcing to reduce carbon footprint
  • A long term strategy for continued carbon reduction and Net Zero goals
  • Offsetting any emissions from shipping and utilising green packaging options
  • Efficiency improvements and waste reduction strategies
  • A long term strategy for continued carbon reduction and Net Zero goals

Accepted offsetting programmes

Please note we only accept carbon offsetting certificates verified by Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard only.

Tree Planting Schemes

We do not accept tree planting schemes as carbon offsetting evidence for this guarantee (unless verified by Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard) because the reduction of emissions from planting trees takes many years and cannot be guaranteed to be permanent. Please see Ecologi's guide here for further information on the topic.

What is best practice? 

  • Becoming ‘climate positive’ whereby you offset more than you emit
  • Actively reducing your carbon emissions and then offsetting the emissions you are not able to reduce
  • Tracking emissions throughout your whole supply chain (scope 1, 2 & 3) as the raw material stage is the most energy-intensive stage yet is often missed from carbon calculations
  • Switching to organic or regenerative materials which sequester carbon

Steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint

  • Partner with suppliers and factories who use 100% renewable energy
  • Use 100% renewable energy in offices and operations, recycling resources, using energy efficiency schemes in offices/warehouses/factories
  • Minimise transportation impact (boats over planes for example)
  • Use recycled and recyclable packaging which is designed efficiently to minimise usage and wasted space (e.g. huge box for small item)
  • Shift towards regenerative agricultural practices to sequester the carbon, as the raw material phase is the most carbon intensive part of the supply chain. (Note - Long term investment in these systems is needed). 
  • Offset unavoidable carbon emissions
  • Ensure customers have accurate size and fit information to minimise returns
  • Reduce overproduction to limit discounting and unsold stock
  • Evaluate your products end-of-life journey. Will it biodegrade? Can it be used in circular systems? Is it durable enough for re-sale or refurbishment?

Why is this important? 

Climate change is one the most important challenges facing the world today, which is why businesses must take immediate action to dramatically reduce their carbon footprint to ensure climatic stability and sustainable development.  This is why we encourage all our brands to map their carbon footprint and establish science-based targets aligned with the Paris Agreement to support global efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels and prevent the disastrous effects of climate change. 

Additional information:

How do I calculate my brand’s carbon footprint?

There are many different ‘carbon calculators’ online and each varies making it difficult to establish an accurate figure. Most of these calculators take into account energy usage, flights and transport, which is good for offsetting the carbon footprint of your office operations (scope 1) however it is more difficult to assess your entire supply chain (scope 2 & 3). There are consultancy companies with the expertise to help you calculate the carbon in your supply chain (at a cost). However, one way to enable you to get one step closer to understanding the impact of your supply chain would be to ask your suppliers, partners, factories to also calculate their footprint in order to gain a slightly more holistic understanding. (These however will still not enable you to understand the impact of raw material production (one of the most intensive stages, 38% of the GHG emissions are in the material production stage). 

