How do I add sustainability guarantees to my profile?

To complete your profile we ask that you review the sustainability guarantees and select those that apply to your brand

To select your sustainability guarantees follow the steps below: 

Step 1: Go to your dashboard 

Step 2: Select 'Edit Profile' 

Step 3: Below 'Edit Profile' select the 'Sustainability Guarantees' option

Step 4: Select the relevant guarantees for you profile and tick the box to confirm:

"Please check this box to confirm that all of the answers to the above questions are truthful; that you are an authorised representative of your brand; and that you take full responsibility for the veracity of your answers"

Step 5: Once confirmed click 'Save'

Once complete, please visit our 'Guides for our Guarantees' to understand what is required to submit per the guarantee you have selected. The next step will be to complete the 'Guarantees Evidence Form' which is available under 'Sustainability Guarantees' in the dashboard. 

If you have any questions please get in touch with our community support team.