How are returns detailed in the sales reports?

Guide to understanding how returns are detailed in your sales report

Understanding adjustments (returns)

Adjustments brought/carried forward relate to returns. If a return is completed between the 1st of the month and the date at which the brand payment reports have been issued, an adjustment carried forward is included on the payment report of the previous month.

E.g. an order placed in April, and returns on May 2nd, would result in an adjustment to the April reports, which would be generated issued on 18th May, relating to April sales.

Adjustments will always include returns which date from the 1st to the 17th of the month the report is being issued. The return won't be itemised at the top of the report, but has been included to avoid paying out to the brand in one month, only to have to reverse the payment the following month. This return will then be itemised in the report of the month in which the return was actually completed (in this example, May), and the (May) report would have an adjustment brought forward for the same amount, netting to nil against the carried forward amount on the previous month's report. The VAT adjustments relate to the VAT on these adjustments brought/carried forward.

Commission is also adjusted, so that we are not deducting commission from their sales payments, in instances where we know the items are being returned. The total commission amount on any invoice is after the inclusion of any commission adjustments.