How do I fulfill orders from store locations?

If you do not have an item in stock and the store does, the store team will fulfill the online order from the store.

You are responsible for fulfilling any online orders that are placed. However, in the case that you do not have the item in stock on the Designer Dashboard, the order will be reallocated to the store that holds the stock. You will need to decline the order and it will auto allocate to the store to fulfil if they have the stock available.

If you accidentally accept the order but can't fulfil it, please contact the community team.

Please note, if the store has to fulfil any online orders you will be charged per order they send.

Please see below the outline of charges, per order. The cost will be based on the base currency of your membership.

Membership Canada Euro Australia GBP USD
Store Fulfillment (per order) $18 €12 $20 £10 `$14

Make sure that your stock levels are up to date and correct in order to avoid these additional charges.